All posts by Josh Humble

I photograph headshot and architectural photography for a living, but I also love shooting street photography, abstract architecture and landscapes - more of it lately with my phone. I've had a camera in my hands for the past 20 years, and I currently work for clients in Indianapolis and throughout the Midwest. Also an electronic musician, pianist, and vocalist (Humblety).

You Photograph Weddings, Pets, Portraits, Cars, And Thingamajigs, Too?

Choosing the right photographer for your project is incredibly important. This is something too many prospects don’t realize when hiring, and knowing who to hire is a fundamental aspect of good project management. Of course, this is true for any market. While it’s tempting to hire a hobbyist photog friend to save a buck—or that photographer who did an amazing portrait of your dog—to photograph your new office’s aerial, you should be focused on what photographer fits your goals and budget. While a GOOD photographer who knows their f-stops can often adapt to specialties outside their own, hiring a photojournalist […]

Introducing: David L. Clark of Elevate Ventures

I recently had the privilege of photographing headshots for David L. Clark with Elevate Ventures, in Indianapolis. David is a venture catalyst and consultant, and he is a part of the Indiana Angel Network. He wanted to improve his visual presence on, and he also wanted good avatars for his twitter and Linkedin pages. Glad to help with David’s needs, we setup a shoot. We needed a three-quarter high-key shot (white background) for David’s site, and I used a warm background for his avatar and general headshots. We did three looks (the standard package), however—as this sometimes happens—he preferred […]

A Sampling Of Blog Indiana 2011

For those unaware, Blog Indiana is among the top events to attend in social media, blogging and new media. It’s where so many come to network, catch up with friends and business associates, and learn a whole heck of a lot about the world we work in. My TKO Graphix team and I had a blast (as we did the year before). Below is an excerpt of some of my favorite images from my new series, The Faces Of BIN2011, and a little more about the images. The images I chose were based simply on the opportunities presented, and the […]

Rocky Walls and Steven Shattuck at BIN2011, Indianapolis photography by Josh Humble

Transparency Misunderstood

The ever-turbulent world of social media seems to have one constant — the transparency debate. The problem with much of our society is we’re trend-driven, acting on emotion instead of timeless, pragmatic principles. Rather than carefully monitoring trends, doing the research and extracting from them what works, a lot of us jump right in. Strategy needs to be thought through, not trendily executed. Many seem insistent on total transparency, without heeding caution to consequences of “loose tweets, sink fleets.” PR and communication is, and always will be, an art of tightrope, even when everyone’s pulling their pants down for the […]