Introducing: David L. Clark of Elevate Ventures

I recently had the privilege of photographing headshots for David L. Clark with Elevate Ventures, in Indianapolis. David is a venture catalyst and consultant, and he is a part of the Indiana Angel Network. He wanted to improve his visual presence on, and he also wanted good avatars for his twitter and Linkedin pages. Glad to help with David’s needs, we setup a shoot.
We needed a three-quarter high-key shot (white background) for David’s site, and I used a warm background for his avatar and general headshots. We did three looks (the standard package), however—as this sometimes happens—he preferred one of the warm images for the high-key image (his tie wasn’t positioned well in some shots), which required cutting out the background and replacing it with white—no problem; the end-result was the crossing of two looks, producing a pleasing image to publish with

David’s a great person to know, and you can follow him on twitter: @DLClark, or connect with him on Linkedin.